Self-Isolating Doesn't Have to Mean Isolated
During Maternal Mental Health Week 2020, The Active Pregnancy Foundation worked alongside the mental heath initiative Calm Baby to offer isolating women help and advice on how to stay mentally well during lockdown. Together we posted advice online and signposted towards organisations who could offer immediate support.
Much of the advice given is common sense, but it's amazing what stress, and lack of sleep, can do to our thinking. Anxiety plays a part in speeding up and muddling our thoughts too. Taking a moment to reconnect with yourself, and your support network, will make all the difference.
Check out CalmBaby on Instagram.

1. Make a List
When we’re lonely or upset we can sometimes reach out to people who aren’t
always best placed to help. If you can, take 5mins to make a list of friends or family
members who you can call upon to help with certain situations.
e.g. This person…
… can give me advice that supports my mental health
… can give me advice about looking after my baby
… will make me laugh
… will listen without judgment
… will help me with work concerns
Figuring out who your support system is will mean you reach out to the best people
to help when you need it most.
2. Make the Most of Technology
You’ll be amazed the range of technologies out there that can help us stay connect,
even if we can’t physically meet up with people.
3. Call friends and family regularly
It’s tempting to think you’re bothering people, especially if you’re not someone who
likes to ask for help. At this time, more than ever, it’s important to connect with
friends and family. It may be that you share the same worries and concerns, and a
call from you might give someone the opportunity to talk – you may be the only
person they talk to that day. Support is a two way street, and remember to check
your list – your work colleague might not be the best person to help you with
4. Say hello!
There are now more opportunities to get outside – take them! A walk, a cycle, or a run (if
you’re still up for it!) can make all the difference to your mental and physical health,
and whilst you’re out there say hello to people.
You may have noticed that since your pregnancy you’re now seeing loads of other
pregnant women and new mums… stop and introduce yourself.
5. Community Connections
Many NCT classes and the like will be cancelled right now, so connect with other
mums online. Perhaps even ask your network to ask their network if they know
anyone who is pregnant or a new mum too. Arrange a call, join a forum or group.
Sharing similar experiences really does help to reduce the sense of loneliness and