The British Army are supporting Mums & Mums-to-Be by increasing their visibility through our
#RealMumsAreRoleModels Photography Competition 2021

We are extremely excited and proud to be working with the British Army to increase the visibility and representation of active mums and mums-to-be.
This collaboration developed from a series of new policies implemented by the British Army over the last couple of years, ensuring that all Servicewomen have access to facilities, training, and support to enable them to become or remain active throughout pregnancy and beyond.
Supporting Mums
· Since Oct 2019 the Royal Army Physical Training Corps has trained over 955 Regular and Reserve physical training instructors to support pregnant women and those returning from maternity leave.
· Army women returning from maternity leave are offered a supported reconditioning programme before conducting full Army training.
· Servicewomen can access the Defence gym facilities that are nearest to their home when on maternity leave.
· Babies can be brought in to Defence gym facilities, helping Servicewomen to access the gym during their maternity leave.
· Army physical training instructors are trained to understand how to support breastfeeding women to continue physical training, encouraging them to feed or express before starting and to ensure they remain well hydrated through training.
· Defence women who develop muscular problems after pregnancy, such as separation of the tummy muscles or pelvic floor problems, are supported by a women’s health physiotherapist and exercise rehabilitation instructor for as many sessions as they need to get them back to fighting fitness.
· Defence have invested in research designed to see how effective a formal rehabilitation and physical development programme would be at improving occupational fitness, pelvic health, musculoskeletal function and psychological wellbeing following childbirth.
The Future
The APF sees the British Army as a shining light example of what can be done to support mums and mums-to-be within an organisation, and we look forward to working with them now and in the future,
“I am thrilled that the British Army have been able to partner up with the Active Pregnancy Foundation to support their #RealMumsAreRoleModels competition. As a GP I believe that reassuring and encouraging women to stay active during and after their pregnancies is vitally important; it benefits mental and physical wellbeing and reduces the risk of certain medical problems developing. I am very proud that British Army women have access to so much support to maintain their activity levels safely during and after pregnancy, including gym instructors who are trained in pre and post-natal fitness. I can’t wait to see the photographs and hear the stories of everyday women entering this competition, all helping to break down the barriers and stigma that pregnant and postnatal women face!”
Major Elaine Walker, Lead GP for Women's Health, British Army
Photography Competition
Active Army Mums are invited to enter our Real Mums Are Role Model Photography Competition throughout May 2021and to share their inspirational stories.
For Terms and Conditions and to learn more about the competition, click here.
Be Proud. Be Visible. Be Active.